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10 Shocking Hotel Secrets Staff Won’t Tell You

Behind the polished exteriors of hotels, lies a world of secrets that most guests will never hear about. From questionable cleaning practices to sneaky staff behaviours, here are ten eye-opening truths that hotel workers prefer to keep hidden.

1. Avoid Drinking from Room Glasses

While those glasses on your bedside table may look clean, you might want to think twice before using them. In many cases, housekeeping staff are rushed for time and will clean room glasses with the same rag they used to wipe down the bathroom. This unsanitary practice is all too common, as the priority is making the room appear spotless, not necessarily ensuring thorough cleanliness. You’re better off sticking to sealed bottled water or disposable cups, if available.

2. Staff Sometimes Sleep in Guest Beds

It’s hard to believe, but tired cleaning staff have been known to nap in guest beds, especially in larger suites where they have more time for cleaning. While it’s not allowed, exhausted workers sometimes take a quick rest when they can, leaving you to wonder if your “fresh” bed was recently used by the cleaning team.

3. Bed Bugs are Almost Inevitable

Hotels, regardless of whether they’re a basic motel or a luxury 5-star resort, have all dealt with bed bugs at some point. A 2018 study revealed that these pests are becoming more common across the United States, with hotels ranking as one of the top three places where bed bugs are frequently found. While not every hotel room will have an infestation, the possibility is higher than most guests realise. Always inspect your mattress and bedding before settling in for the night.


4. Maids Try on Expensive Clothes

Many hotel workers will just glance at the fancy clothes you’ve brought on your trip. However, some have confessed to trying on guests’ expensive outfits when no one’s around. If they’re the same size as you, your designer dress or high-end shoes might just be worn around the room by the cleaning staff. Though not a widespread practice, it’s unnerving to think that your wardrobe may have been used by someone else before you even got the chance.

5. Broken Glass in Water Refill Barrels

You’d expect cleanliness in a hotel’s water supplies, but one former employee shared a shocking story about how a broken glass left in a water refill barrel went unnoticed for weeks. Guests continued drinking from the barrel at events while shards of glass sat at the bottom. It’s a chilling reminder that sometimes, corners are cut, and hazards can easily be overlooked.

6. Vegetarian Food Isn’t Always Veg

If you’re a strict vegetarian or vegan, brace yourself. Many hotel kitchens are not as careful about food preparation as you might hope. It’s common for kitchens to use the same utensils for both meat and vegetable dishes, and some sauces may even contain chicken or veal stock without staff realising or caring. Even something as simple as flatbread might have hidden eggs. If you have dietary restrictions, it’s wise to clarify your needs repeatedly and hope for the best.

7. Cleaners Don’t Always Change Linens

While you expect fresh sheets upon checking in, some hotels cut corners and don’t always change bed linens between guests, especially if they look “clean”. This nasty practice is a time-saving technique that happens more often than guests might like to imagine. While top-tier hotels are less likely to be guilty of this, it’s certainly something to keep in mind, especially if you’re staying in a budget accommodation.

8. Questionable Cleaning Routines

Hotel bathrooms may look clean, but that doesn’t mean they were cleaned properly. The same cloths used to scrub down sinks and toilets can sometimes be used to wipe mirrors or countertops, spreading bacteria around instead of removing it. Be cautious of surfaces in your room and always use sanitiser or disinfectant wipes, especially in high-contact areas like light switches and remote controls.

crop woman dusting lamp during housework

9. Lost and Found is a Goldmine for Staff

Many guests assume that items left behind will be returned to the rightful owners, but the reality is that many forgotten items end up being claimed by hotel staff. From expensive sunglasses to high-end electronics, if you leave something valuable behind, there’s no guarantee that it’ll make its way back to you.

10. Food is Often Reused

Ever wonder what happens to the leftover food from a breakfast buffet? In some hotels, food that hasn’t been touched will be re-served at the next meal. Pastries, bread, and even fruit might be recycled and placed back out for the next batch of guests. While not necessarily dangerous, it’s an unsettling thought that the food on your plate may not be as fresh as you’d like.

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