
Tragic Allergy Incident: 13-Year-Old Girl Dies After Drinking Costa Coffee Hot Chocolate

In a heartbreaking incident, 13-year-old Hannah Jacobs from Barking, East London, who had a severe dairy allergy, died after taking a sip of a Costa Coffee hot chocolate that was supposed to be made with soya milk. The tragic event occurred on 8 February 2022 when Hannah and her mother, Abimbola Duyile, ordered two takeaway hot chocolates from a Costa Coffee branch in Barking. Despite informing the barista about Hannah’s severe dairy allergy and requesting that the milk jug be cleaned, Hannah suffered an immediate allergic reaction after drinking the hot chocolate, which she believed was not made with soya milk.

(Credit: Daily Jang)

A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

Hannah’s mother, Abimbola Duyile, recalled the incident in a statement to the East London Coroner’s Court, expressing her concern that the barista may not have fully understood the severity of her daughter’s allergy. After taking a sip of the drink, Hannah abruptly got up, went to the toilet, and shouted, “That was not soya milk,” before experiencing severe allergic symptoms, including chest pain, swollen lips, and itching. Despite being rushed to a nearby chemist and receiving an EpiPen injection, Hannah collapsed and was later pronounced dead in the hospital by 1 pm.

Raising Awareness of Food Allergies

Hannah’s tragic death highlights the critical importance of food allergy awareness and the need for rigorous safety protocols in food service establishments. The inquest, which is still ongoing, seeks to understand what went wrong and how such incidents can be prevented in the future.


The loss of Hannah Jacobs serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that food allergies pose and the need for careful communication and precautionary measures when handling food orders involving allergies. As the inquest continues, it is hoped that lessons will be learned to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

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