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Brutal Horror Film ‘Worse Than The Human Centipede’ Leaves Viewers ‘Traumatised’

Brutal Horror Film ‘Worse Than The Human Centipede’ Leaves Viewers ‘Traumatised’

If you’re looking to skip sleep tonight, this flick might just be for you.

We’ve got A24 to thank for this one—disturbing movies are their specialty, after all.

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the human centipede

Worse Than The Human Centipede

Some reckon this 2014 film is even more disturbing than “The Human Centipede,” which is saying something.

“Tusk” takes the grotesque concept of human-to-animal transformation even further.

The film follows a podcaster, played by Justin Long, who travels to meet a recluse with a twisted obsession with walruses. You can guess what happens next.

TikToker Heidi Wong Has Her Say

Viewers have been left ‘literally traumatised’ by “Tusk.” TikToker Heidi Wong took to the platform to share her thoughts, calling it the worst horror film she had ever seen.

In a series of videos, Wong explained: “Out of all the horror movies I’ve seen, this one gets to me the most. ‘Tusk’ is about a podcaster who meets a madman who wants to turn him into a walrus—surgically.”

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scariest movie
the human centipede

“This movie was worse than ‘The Human Centipede’ to me,” she added.

Reflecting on the ending, she captioned a video: “Me watching a guy who was forced to be surgically turned into a walrus finally escape, only for his friends to put him in a zoo to live the rest of his life as an actual walrus.”

Viewers in the comments were quick to share their own horror, with one saying: “Please don’t remind me of the movie ‘Tusk.’ I’m traumatized from watching it.” Another added, “I dreamt about that damn walrus for weeks!”

Some even admitted they could no longer enjoy seeing the animal: “After knowing about this movie and seeing clips, I can never see walruses the same anymore.”

And if you thought you’d escaped the nightmare, think again. In 2022, Long told Slash Film that director Kevin Smith had mentioned the possibility of a sequel.

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