death row last meals

Top 10 Strangest Last Meals of Prisoners on Death Row

When a prisoner faces the final moments before execution, they’re granted one last indulgence: a final meal. Some request meals so grand and extravagant, you’d think they were dining at the Ritz. Others, however, opt for something truly bizarre. Here, we explore the top 10 strangest last meals ever requested by prisoners on death row—meals that leave us scratching our heads, wondering if they were a stroke of dark humour, hidden meaning, or just plain odd.

1. Victor Feguer – One Single Olive

In perhaps one of the most symbolic final meal requests, Victor Feguer asked for just one single olive, pit still in place. He was executed in 1963 for kidnapping and murder, and he asked to be buried with the olive pit in his pocket. Some believe it was a gesture of hope, symbolising peace or new life, as if he was hoping an olive tree might grow from his grave. A strange request, yes, but undeniably poetic.

Victor Feguer
last meal

2. Lawrence Russell Brewer – The Feast He Never Ate

Texas inmate Lawrence Russell Brewer ordered a meal fit for a king—and then refused to eat it. His meal included two chicken-fried steaks, a pound of barbecue, a triple bacon cheeseburger, a pizza, three fajitas, an omelette, a pint of ice cream, and a slab of peanut butter fudge. After receiving this mammoth meal, Brewer simply left it untouched, leading Texas to abolish the option of a special last meal altogether. Talk about a dramatic exit.

 Lawrence Russell Brewer
last meal

3. James Edward Smith – A Lump of Dirt

Perhaps the most puzzling request came from James Edward Smith, who asked for a lump of dirt, specifically to perform a voodoo ritual. When this was denied, he settled for a cup of yogurt instead. From rituals to dessert, that’s quite the switch.

James Edward Smith
death row
last meal

4. John Wayne Gacy – A Feast of Fried Food

One of the most infamous serial killers in American history, John Wayne Gacy had a final meal that mirrored his larger-than-life personality. His request? A dozen fried shrimp, a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, French fries, and a pound of strawberries. Gacy had once managed three KFC restaurants, so it seems his last supper was a nostalgic nod to his past, served with an unhealthy portion of fried everything.

John Wayne Gacy
death row meals
prisoners last meals

5. Ronnie Lee Gardner – The Lord of the Rings Marathon

Ronnie Lee Gardner, sentenced to death in Utah, went beyond just food. Sure, he ordered a lobster tail, steak, apple pie, and vanilla ice cream—but he also requested to watch Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy while eating. One can only assume he felt an affinity for Frodo’s final journey. Suspenseful viewing for a suspenseful night, we suppose.

Ronnie Lee Gardner

6. Dobie Gillis Williams – A Single Bag of Chips

Sometimes, simplicity is key. Dobie Gillis Williams, a Louisiana man convicted of murder, asked for nothing more than a bag of Lay’s potato chips. He finished the entire bag and made no further requests. Perhaps it was a craving for a salty treat, or maybe he just didn’t want to complicate things.

Dobie Gillis Williams

7. Timothy McVeigh – Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

The Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, made a surprisingly childlike request for his last meal: two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream. No meal, no complex flavours—just a simple dessert. It’s almost unsettling in its innocence.

Timothy McVeigh

8. Angel Nieves Diaz – Refused His Last Meal

In a move full of suspense, Angel Nieves Diaz simply declined his final meal altogether. Florida state law gave him the standard prison meal instead, but it seems Diaz had little interest in eating before his execution. Sometimes, the strangest request is no request at all.

Angel Nieves Diaz

9. Thomas Grasso – Spaghetti, But Not Quite Right

Thomas Grasso, executed in 1995, made it clear that he wanted spaghetti and meatballs for his last meal. What he received, however, was spaghetti with canned spaghetti sauce, and Grasso was not pleased. His final words? “I did not get my SpaghettiOs. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.” It’s hard not to appreciate his dedication to culinary correctness, even in the face of death.

Thomas Grasso

10. Philip Workman – Pizza for the Homeless

Perhaps one of the most altruistic final meal requests, Philip Workman asked for a large vegetarian pizza to be given to a homeless person. Although his request was denied, many compassionate citizens honoured his wish and donated pizzas to homeless shelters in his name. Workman’s final act was a touching gesture of kindness, a far cry from his violent past.

Philip Workman
death row last meal

The last meal tradition on death row is not just a curious custom—it offers a rare glimpse into the minds of the condemned. Whether they’re seeking comfort in nostalgia, making a symbolic gesture, or showing humour and defiance, their requests can be as memorable as the crimes they committed. Some meals baffle, others bring a dark chuckle, but all of them, in some way, leave us thinking about the strange and haunting nature of this tradition.

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