warning shark invasion greenland shark

Warning: British Isles Could Face Shark Invasion

There has been a shocking new twist in the mystery of the 500-year-old ‘immortal’ polar sharks.
Yep, just when you might have thought sharks were scary enough, turns out there’s a rare species that are capable for living for centuries.

Greenland sharks are quite widely an unknown, swimming mysteriously in the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic seas. And with a growth possible of up to a whopping 23-feet in length and 1.2 tonnes weight, one of the beasts was found to have lived since 1624. Now that shark has lived through some big times.
Researchers at the University of Copenhagen found the oldie and used carbon dating to determine its ancient age.

greenland sharks
atlantic ocean
arctic ocean

The 500-Year-Old Creatures of the Atlantic and Arctic Waters

Scientists have spent plenty of time trying to figure out just how Greenland sharks are able to live for so long, as many reckon it could help us humans have longer lives ourselves.
It’s previously been thought that the sharks’ muscle metabolic activity might be their fountain of youth with the popular biology theory ‘pace of life’ linking longevity of life to the speed of metabolic functions.
But in a bit of a twist, researchers are exploring that the secret to their long lives is due to the deep and low temperatures of water the beasts live in.

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