What the Irish Can Learn irish

What the Irish Can Learn from the Rest of Europe

The conversation on Reddit around what the Irish could learn from the rest of Europe raises some insightful points about how Irish culture, infrastructure, and everyday life could be improved. The thread ranges from practical suggestions like better public transport and digital infrastructure to cultural insights such as healthier diets and fashion. It is an illuminating discussion that prompts a look at areas where Ireland might adopt a more European approach, enhancing the quality of life for its citizens.

1. Public Transport: A Major Deficiency

One of the most consistent themes in the discussion was the need for improved public transportation. Commenters highlighted how cities like Geneva and Vienna have efficient, reliable, and well-organised transport systems that can whisk people across the city in minutes. By contrast, public transport in Ireland, particularly Dublin, is often slow, overcrowded, and unreliable.

In cities such as Geneva, visitors staying in hotels can even avail of free bus and tram services, something that seems like a distant dream in Dublin. Irish commuters often face long waits, delays, and poorly connected routes that can turn a short journey into an hour-long ordeal. The call for better infrastructure in Ireland is loud and clear, with upvotes reflecting strong support for the notion that Ireland’s public transport system needs a radical overhaul.

aerial photo of buildings and roads

2. A Need for Better Infrastructure and Project Management

Another notable topic discussed in the thread is Ireland’s long-standing issue with executing large-scale infrastructure projects. The Children’s Hospital and the infamous “Bike Shed” were pointed out as examples of projects that have not only taken too long but have been subject to ballooning costs and inefficient delivery.

The broader issue, as described by some Reddit users, lies in a lack of decisive action. Officials seem hesitant to proceed with projects for fear of mistakes, but when they do, they overcompensate by throwing money at the problems. Some argued that Ireland should take advantage of its “Apple money” — a reference to taxes paid by large corporations — to invest in key infrastructure projects and improve efficiency across the board.

3. Digital Infrastructure: Time for a Leap Forward

The Reddit community also discussed the importance of digital infrastructure and how other European countries are leading the way in this regard. For many Irish people, basic tasks like banking or dealing with government services still require in-person visits to town centres, which could be easily avoided with better digital solutions.

In countries like Estonia, nearly all government services are available online, from voting to tax filings. Ireland, with its relatively strong tech sector, could benefit from improving digital adoption across the population and making services more accessible online, especially for rural residents.

4. A Cultural Shift Towards Healthier Eating

Irish cuisine has long been associated with hearty, but sometimes stodgy, dishes. The thread highlighted how a culture of wholesome, home-cooked meals with proper seasoning and balance, as seen in countries like Italy or France, could make a difference in Irish diets. Not only would this improve the general health of the population, but it could also help to combat rising obesity rates in Ireland.

In many European countries, meals are seen as social experiences where fresh, seasonal ingredients are prioritised. Ireland could certainly benefit from adopting these culinary habits. Rather than relying on takeaways or processed foods, a cultural shift towards mindful eating with an emphasis on variety and nutrition could foster a healthier nation.

pastry and boiled egg on plate

5. Fashion and Presentation: Room for Improvement

Another interesting point raised in the discussion was the notion that the Irish do not dress as well as their European counterparts, even when trying to make an effort. Despite the availability of online retailers and fashion influencers, many commenters observed that Irish fashion lacks a certain flair compared to the polished, chic styles seen in places like Paris or Milan.

While this might seem trivial compared to infrastructure and health, it ties into a broader conversation about self-presentation and confidence. Fashion is often a reflection of how people feel about themselves and their surroundings. With some inspiration from the rest of Europe, Ireland could embrace a more polished, modern style that reflects the country’s dynamic, forward-thinking identity.

6. Knowledge of Rights and Confidence in the Workplace

Finally, the Reddit discussion touched upon the issue of employment rights. Many Irish workers, particularly younger ones, appear hesitant to enforce their rights for fear of losing their jobs. This stands in stark contrast to other European countries like France and Germany, where workers are more assertive and knowledgeable about their employment protections.

By fostering a greater understanding of workers’ rights and promoting confidence in enforcing them, Ireland could create a more balanced and fair workplace culture. This shift would help to empower employees and ensure that they are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

The discussion is not about criticising Ireland but about exploring how the country can evolve and embrace the future.

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