Why You Shouldn’t Drink Coffee First Thing in the Morning
For many folks, starting the day without a cuppa is unthinkable. But experts are now saying that reaching for that initial brew the moment you wake up might not be the best idea.
For Coffee Heads
A spokesperson from Oddy Knocky Coffee explained to Bristol Live that jumping straight to coffee in the morning could lead to an afternoon crash, all thanks to our body’s natural rhythms.

Our body produces two key chemicals: adenosine, which makes us drowsy, and cortisol, known as the ‘stress hormone’. Adenosine is low in the morning and increases throughout the day, helping us feel naturally tired by bedtime. Cortisol peaks in the morning to help wake us up. Drinking coffee right away can interfere with these rhythms.
“If you drink coffee the moment you open your eyes, it can mess with your body’s internal clock,” the spokesperson noted. This conflict of chemicals can leave you feeling unfocused and unproductive, which is far from ideal when you’re trying to kickstart your day.
The recommendation is to wait about an hour after waking up before having your first coffee. Balancing caffeine intake with your body’s natural rhythms can improve the effectiveness of your morning cup and keep your internal clock on track.
Sleep expert Dr Deborah Lee from Get Laid Beds also weighs in, explaining that elevated cortisol levels in the morning mean that drinking coffee right away could do more harm than good, potentially making you immune to caffeine over time.
Dr Lee advises that the best time to drink coffee is mid-to-late morning when your cortisol levels have dropped, and your energy levels start to slump. For those waking up around 7 am, waiting until 10 am to 12 pm for your first coffee can maximise the benefits of caffeine without disrupting your sleep schedule.
To avoid messing up your sleep, Dr Lee recommends cutting off caffeine intake by 3 pm. This includes coffee, fizzy drinks, energy drinks, and even tea. If you need a hot drink, try herbal teas or decaf options to trick your mind without the caffeine hit. Your sleep schedule will thank you!
So, while that morning coffee might be a ritual, tweaking the timing could make a world of difference in how you feel throughout the day.
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