Gordon Ramsay Breaks His Own Rules After Chef’s Dangerous Blunder
Gordon Ramsay Breaks His Own Rules After Chef’s Dangerous Blunder
Gordon Ramsay, known for his strict adherence to rules and high standards both professionally and personally, broke his own decree on Hell’s Kitchen after a chef made a dangerous mistake.
We all know Gordon Ramsay as the fiery chef who isn’t shy about telling contestants to ‘f*** off’ when they break his rules. His strict standards extend to his six kids, ensuring they live up to his expectations. But even Ramsay, with all his intensity, is human and can sometimes bend the rules.
Carol Scott, a sous chef from Knoxville, Tennessee, might have a different perspective on Ramsay’s humanity. Appearing in the fifth season of Hell’s Kitchen, she forced Ramsay to go against his own rulebook after making a ‘dangerous’ mistake in the kitchen. Unfortunately, Scott is remembered more for this blunder than for her culinary skills.

Back in November 2007, Scott was a contestant on the high-stakes show. Despite being on the winning team, she was eliminated in the ninth episode, a move that shocked both her fellow contestants and the viewers. According to Ramsay’s rules, she should have been safe due to the red team’s success. However, Ramsay felt she had ‘given up’ and decided to send her home.
“Jacket off – and you’re leaving Hell’s Kitchen,” Ramsay declared. “You didn’t even make a comeback. After the dauphinoise potatoes were screwed, you gave up.”
Yes, it was ‘crunchy’ gratin dauphinoise that pushed Ramsay to break his own rules. During the dinner service, Scott brought her dish to the pass, only for Ramsay to smash it off the counter and into the bin, yelling, “Why are the potatoes crunchy?!”
Scott admitted her mistake but claimed she didn’t know why the potatoes didn’t cook correctly. She started a new batch and nervously told Ramsay it would take about ten minutes, a statement that didn’t go down well. Ramsay scolded her for delaying the customers’ meals and called her ‘useless’ when she revealed she had boiled the potatoes in cream for an hour during prep.
Her fate was sealed when she added even more cream to the second batch, prompting Ramsay to exclaim, “My God. Oh Jesus! Are you mad? I wouldn’t even serve that to a pig farm, madam. Forget it. You don’t care, do you? Because if you did, you wouldn’t serve me that crap!”
Despite the red team winning the dinner service with a 54 percent rating over the blue team’s 39 percent, the gratin dauphinoise disaster was enough to end Scott’s time on the show.
This incident highlights how to push Ramsay to the breaking point: by making a mess of a classic dish. Undercooked potatoes can indeed be dangerous. According to Medicine.Net, they contain proteins and compounds such as lectins, solanine, and starch that can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea if consumed.
So, while Gordon Ramsay is a stickler for the rules, even he can be driven to break them when faced with a culinary catastrophe.
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