Terrifying Late-Night Limerick Chase: A Hour Caught On Video
In a chilling turn of events, a driver and their passenger were subjected to a relentless and unprovoked hour-long chase through the night by an aggressive motorist. What began as a routine drive late at night turned into a terrifying ordeal that tested their resolve and survival instincts.

The Nightmare Begins
The incident occurred at 11:30 PM when a Skoda Octavia, driven by an unidentified individual, began pursuing the victims’ car at high speed. Without any provocation, the vehicle approached from behind, continuously flashing its lights and tailgating dangerously close. Despite attempts to evade the pursuer, the victims found themselves unable to escape.
Every maneuver to shake the chaser—slamming on the brakes, sudden turns, and even switching directions multiple times—was met with equal persistence. The relentless driver mirrored every move, refusing to let up.
A Desperate Escape
The victims described a particularly harrowing moment when the pursuing car overtook them, only to speed ahead and wait ominously at a petrol station further up the road. The chase resumed when they passed the station, escalating further as the Skoda almost rammed them from behind.
Realising the severity of the situation, the victims turned off their car lights and attempted to evade the aggressor by taking a side road. Yet, the persistent pursuer caught up again, leaving them feeling trapped and terrified.

A Cry for Help
With no other options, the victims contacted the Gardaí, explaining their plight and seeking immediate assistance. To their dismay, they were informed that no nearby units were available to intervene. Instead, they were advised to drive to the nearest Garda station—a daunting 25-minute journey under the circumstances.
Throughout the drive, the Skoda continued its relentless pursuit, flashing its lights and staying on their tail no matter how many cars the victims overtook in an attempt to lose the pursuer.

A Close Call
The victims managed to reach the Garda station without incident, miraculously avoiding red lights that could have left them vulnerable. However, even as they parked at the station, the aggressive driver continued to prowl the area, driving up and down the road as the shaken individuals exited their vehicle.
A statement was made to the Gardaí, but the lack of a license plate number limited their ability to take immediate action. The victims, though unharmed, were left deeply rattled by the experience. We therefore urge the public to watch the video of the events and come forward with any information possible.

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